
@PubMed  2025 2024 2023  2022  2021  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  
2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2004  preprints  

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Meisner OC, Dal Monte O, Fagan NA, Nandy AS, Chang SWC (in revision)
Oxytocin in the amygdala sustains prosocial behavior via state-dependent amygdala-prefrontal modulation

Dal Monte O*, Gangopadhyay P*, Putnam PT, Chang SWC (in revision)
Oxytocin and opioid antagonists: A dual approach to improving social behavior
(*, co-first authors)  

Xing F, Sheffield AG, Jadi MP*, Chang SWC*, Nandy AS* (2025)
Dynamic modulation of social gaze by sex and familiarity in marmoset dyads
eLife, (*, co-senior authors) 

Qi G, Chang SWC (in press)
Social behavior in primates and its neural correlates
The Evolution of Nervous Systems of Nonhuman Primates (Vol 3), edited by Elisabeth A. Murray and Steven P. Wise. In Kaas J and Herculano-Houzel S. Evolution of the Nervous System (3rd Edition), Elsevier.

Shi W, Meisner OC, Jadi MP, Nandy AS, Chang SWC (upcoming)
Comparative game theory: Bringing ethology back into decision neuroscience
Neuroeconomics: Core Topics and Current Directions, Edited by David Smith, Dominic Fareri, and Patricia Lockwood. Springer Nature.

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Basso M, Batista A, Chang S, Gothard K, Miller C, Parker K, Zimmermann J (2024)
The future of nonhuman primate neuroscience: peril or possibilities?
Journal of Neuroscience, 44, e1458242024.  

Li SW*, Kietzman HW*, Taylor JR, Chang SWC (2024)
The evolving landscape of social neuroscience and its implications for psychiatry 
Biological Psychiatry, Special Issue on Social Homeostasis: A New Framework for Preventing and Treating Psychiatric Conditions, (*, co-first authors)  

Suthaharan P*, Thompson SL*, Rossi-Goldthorpe RA, Rudebeck PH, Walton ME, Chakraborty S, Noonan MP, Mitchell AS, Costa VD, Murray EA, Mathys CD, Groman SM, Taylor JR, Corlett PR**, Chang SWC** (2024)
Lesions to the mediodorsal thalamus but not orbitofrontal cortex enhance volatility beliefs linked to paranoia
Cell Reports, 43, 114355 (*, co-first authors; **, co-senior authors)   

Fan S*, Dal Monte O*, Nair A, Fagan NA, Chang SWC (2024)
Closed-loop microstimulations of the orbitofrontal cortex during real-life gaze interaction enhance dynamic social attention
Neuron, 112, 2631-2644.e6 (*, co-first authors) 
  • *Preview: Simon IV J, Rich EL (2024). Stimulating social interest: The translational value of basic investigations into frontal cortex function. Neuron, 112, 2461-2463
Meisner OC, Shi W, Fagan NA, Greenwood J, Jadi MP*, Nandy AS*, Chang SWC* (2024)
Development of a Marmoset Apparatus for Automated Pulling (MarmoAAP) to study cooperative behaviors
eLife, 13, RP97088 (*, co-senior authors)  
  • *eLife Digest: Monkey teamwork. eLife 

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Putnam PT, Chu CJC, Fagan NA, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC (2023)
Dissociation of vicarious and experienced rewards by coupling frequency within the same neural pathway
Neuron, 111, 2513–2522 
  • *Spotlight: Isoda M (2023). Decoding social rewards via brain’s inter-areal coordination frequency. Trends in Cognitive Science, 27, 888-889.  

Shi W, Meisner OC, Blackmore S, Jadi MP, Nandy AS, Chang SWC (2023)
The orbitofrontal cortex: a goal-directed cognitive map framework for social and non-social behaviors
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 203, 107793.  

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Fortier AV*, Meisner OC*, Nair AR, Chang SWC (2022)
Prefrontal circuits guiding social preference: Implications in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 141, 104803. (*, co-first authors)  

Dal Monte O*, Fan S*, Fagan NA, Chu CJC, Zhou MB, Putnam PT, Nair AR, Chang SWC (2022)
Widespread implementations of interactive social gaze neurons in the primate prefrontal-amygdala networks
Neuron, 110, 2183-2197. (*, co-first authors)  
  • *Preview: Báez-Mendoza R & Williams ZM (2022). A stare like yours: Naturalistic social gaze interactions reveal robust neuronal representations. Neuron, 110, 2048-2049.  

Putnam PT, Chang SWC (2022)
Oxytocin does not stand alone
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 377, 20210047.  
Introduction to P. Putnam and S. Chang (Eds.), Theme issue: Interplays between oxytocin and other neuromodulators in shaping complex social behaviours. (Click here for the entire theme issue: )

Putnam PT, Chang SWC (2022)

Interplay between the oxytocin and opioid systems in regulating social behavior
Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci., 377, 20210050.  
In P. Putnam and S. Chang (Eds.), Theme issue: Interplays between oxytocin and other neuromodulators in shaping complex social behaviours. (Click here for the entire theme issue: )

Meisner O, Nair A, Chang SWC (2022
Amygdala connectivity and implications for social cognition and disorders
Handbook of Clinical Neurology, The Temporal Lobe, Eds. Miceli, Bartolomeo, and Navarro (Elsevier), 187, 381-403.  

Chin R, Chang SWC, Holmes AJ (2022)
Beyond cortex: the evolution of the human brain
Psychological Review, 130, 285-307 

Nair AR, Chang SWC (2022)
Social neuroscience: Staying bonded over oxytocin and endocannabinoids
Current Biology, 32, PR228-231.  

Weinberg-Wolf H, Fagan A, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC (2022) 
Increasing central serotonin with 5-HTP disrupts the inhibition of social gaze in non-human primates
Journal of Neuroscience42, 670-681.  

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Zoh Y, Chang SWC*, Crockett MJ* (2021) 
The prefrontal cortex and (uniquely) human cooperation: a comparative perspective
Neuropsychopharmacology, 47, 119-133. (*, co-senior authors)  
Fan S, Dal Monte O and Chang SWC (2021) 
Levels of naturalism in social neuroscience research
iScience, 24, 102702.  
Basile BM*, Joiner JA*, Dal Monte O, Fagan NA, Karaskiewicz CL, Lucas DR, Chang SWC**, Murray EA** (2021)
Autonomic arousal tracks outcome salience not valence in monkeys making social decisions
Behavioral Neuroscience, 135, 443-452. (*, co-first authors; **, co-senior authors)  
Putnam PT and Chang SWC (2021) 
Toward a holistic view of value and social processing in the amygdala: Insights from primate behavioral neurophysiology
Behavioural Brain Research, 411, 113356.  
Ben-Haim MS, Dal Monte O, Fagan NA, Dunham Y, Hassin RR*, Chang SWC*, Santos LR* (2021
Disentangling conscious awareness from non-conscious perception in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 118, e2017543118. (*, co-senior authors)  
  • *Editors’ Choice: Vignieri S (2021) Evolutionary Cognition – I know what I saw. Science372, 251.  
  • *Dispatch: Hampton RR (2021) Animal consciousness: Should a new behavioral correlate in monkeys persuade agnostics? Current Biology31, PR801-R803. 
  • *Outlook: Crump A and Birch J (2021) Separating conscious and unconscious perception in animals. Learning and Behavior, 49, 347-348. 
  • *Faculty Opinions recommendation: 
Putnam PT and Chang SWC (2021) 
Social processing by the primate medial frontal cortex
International Review of Neurobiology, 158, 213-248.  
In M. Roesch, L. Amarante, M. Laubach & A. Brockett (Eds.), What does Medial Frontal Cortex Signal during Behavior? Insights from Behavioral Neurophysiology.
Gangopadhyay P*, Chawla M*, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC (2021)
Prefrontal-amygdala circuits in social decision-making
Nature Neuroscience, 24, 5-18. (*, co-first authors)  
Lockwood PL, Apps MAJ*, Chang SWC* (2020)
Is there a ‘social brain’?: Algorithms and implementations.
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24, 802-813. (*, equal contributions)  
  • *Winner of the 2022 SANS Innovation Award
  • *Selected among ‘Best of Trends’ 2020
Basile BM, Schafroth JL, Karaskiewicz CL, Chang SWC, Murray EA (2020)
The anterior cingulate cortex is necessary for forming prosocial preferences from vicarious reinforcement in monkeys.
PLoS Biology, 18, e3000677.  
  • *Primer: Lockwood PL, O’Nell KC, and Apps MAJ (2020) Anterior cingulate cortex: A brain system necessary for learning to reward others? PLoS Biology18, e3000735.  
Dal Monte O, Chu CJC, Fagan NA, Chang SWC (2020)
Specialized medial prefrontal-amygdala coordination in other-regarding decision preference
Nature Neuroscience23, 565–574.  
  • *Winner of the 2021 SANS Innovation Award
Gollwitzer A, Martel C, Bargh JA, Chang SWC (2020)
Aversion towards simple broken patterns predicts moral judgment

Personality and Individual Differences, 160, 109810.  

Fan S*, Weinberg-Wolf H*, Piva M, Dal Monte O, Chang SWC (2020)
Combinatorial oxytocin neuropharmacology in social cognition
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 24, 8–12. (*, co-first authors)  
Piva M, Velnoskey K, Jia R, Nair A, Levy I, Chang SWC (2019)
The dorsomedial prefrontal cortex computes task-invariant relative subjective value for self and other
eLife, 8, e44939.  
Weinberg-Wolf H and Chang SWC (2019)
Differences in how macaques monitor others: does serotonin play a central role?
WIREs Cognitive Science, 10, wcs.1494 

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Stanton CH, Holmes AJ, Chang SWC, Joorman J (2018) 
From stress to anhedonia: molecular processes through functional circuits
Trends in Neurosciences, 42, 23-42.   
Dal Monte O, Fan S, Chang SWC (2018) 
Social subjective value in the primate midbrain
Nature Neuroscience, 21, 1298-1299.   
Chang SWC and Dal Monte O (2018) 
Shining light on social learning circuits
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 22, 673-675.   
Weinberg-Wolf H, Fagan NA, Anderson GM, Tringides M, Dal Monte O and Chang SWC (2018) 
The effects of 5-hydroxytryptophan on attention and central serotonin neurochemistry in the rhesus macaque
Neuropsychopharmacology, 43, 1589-1598.  
Piva M and Chang SWC (2018) 
An integrated framework for the role of oxytocin in multistage social decision-making
American Journal of Primatology, 80, e22735.   
  • *Selected as Top 20 Most-Read Paper in the journal in 2017–2018

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Piva M, Zhang X, Noah A, Chang SWC, Hirsch J (2017) 
Distributed neural activity patterns during human-to-human competition
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience11, 571.  
Barack DL, Chang SWC, Platt ML (2017) 
Posterior cingulate neurons dynamically signal decisions to disengage during foraging
Neuron, 96, 339-347.  
Chang SWC (2017) 
An emerging field of primate social neurophysiology: Current developments
eNeuro, 4, e0295​.  
Turrin C, Fagan NA, Dal Monte O, Chang SW​C (2017) 
Social resource foraging is guided by the principles of the Marginal Value Theorem
Scientific Reports, 7, 11274.  
Joiner J, Piva M, Turrin C, Chang SWC (2017)
Social learning through prediction error in the brain

NPJ Science of Learning, 2, article 8.  

Dal Monte O*, Piva M*, Anderson KM, Tringides M, Holmes AJ, Chang SW​C (2017)
Oxytocin under opioid antagonism leads to supralinear enhancement of social attention

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 114, 5247-5252. (*, co-first authors)  

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Dal Monte O*, Piva M*, Morris JA, Chang SWC (2016) 
Live interaction distinctively shapes social gaze dynamics in rhesus macaques
Journal of Neurophysiology, 116, 1626-1643. (*, co-first authors)   [movie 1, movie 2, movie 3]
Ebner NC, Bailey PE, Horta M, Joiner JA, Chang SWC (2016) 
Multidisciplinary perspective on prosociality in aging
In J. Sommerville & J. Decety (Eds.), Social Cognition: Development across the Life Span (Psychology Press | Taylor and Francis Group). 
Apps MAJ, Rushworth MFS, Chang SWC (2016) 
The anterior cingulate gyrus and social cognition: tracking the motivation of others
Neuron, 90, 692-707.  
Chang SWC, Calton JL, Lawrence BM, Dickinson AR, and Snyder LH (2016)
Region-specific summation patterns inform the role of cortical areas in selecting motor plans
Cerebral Cortex, 26, 2154-2166.  

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Chang SWC, Fagan NA, Toda K, Utevsky AV, Pearson JM and Platt ML (2015)
Neural mechanisms of social decision-making in the primate amygdala
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 112, 16012-16017.  
Du E and Chang SWC(2015)
Neural components of altruistic punishment
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, Article 26.  

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Chang SWC and Isoda M (2014)
Toward a better understanding of social learning, social deciding, and other-regarding preferences
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8, 362. (editorial to Research Topic eBook)  
(Editors: Chang & Isoda, Click here for the entire issue 
Chang SWC and Platt ML (2014)
Amygdala: Eyes wide open
Current Biology, 24, R1000-1002.  
Pedersen CA, Chang SWC, and Williams CL (2014)
Evolutionary perspectives on the role of oxytocin in human social behavior, social cognition and psychopathology
Brain Research, 1580, 1-7. (Special Issue: Oxytocin and Social Behavior 
(Editors: Pedersen, Chang & Williams, Click here for the entire issue 
Chang SWC and Platt ML (2014)
Oxytocin and social cognition in rhesus macaques: Implications for understanding and treating human psychopathology
Brain Research, 1580, 57-68.  (Special Issue: Oxytocin and Social Behavior 

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Brent LJN, Chang SWC, Gariépy JF, and Platt ML (2013)
The neuroethology of friendship
Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences (The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience), 1316, 1–17.  
Chang SWC (2013)
Coordinate transformation approach to social interactions
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7, 147.  
Gariépy JF, Chang SWC and Platt ML (2013)
Brain games: toward a neuroecology of social behavior
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 36, 424-5.  
Chang SWC, Brent LJN, Adams GK, Klein JT, Pearson JM, Watson KK, and Platt ML (2013)
Neuroethology of primate social behavior
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 110, 10387-10394.  
(In Spanish )
Chang SWC, Gariépy JF and Platt ML (2013)
Neuronal reference frames for social decisions in primate frontal cortex
Nature Neuroscience, 16, 243-250.  

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Chang SWC, Barack DL and Platt ML (2012)
Mechanistic classification of neural circuit dysfunctions: Insights from neuroeconomics research in animals
Biological Psychiatry, 72, 101-106.  
Chang SWC and Snyder LH (2012)
The representations of reach endpoints in posterior parietal cortex depend on which hand does the reaching
Journal of Neurophysiology, 107, 2352-2365.  
Chang SWC, Barter JW, Ebitz RB, Watson KK, and Platt ML (2012)
Inhaled oxytocin amplifies both vicarious reinforcement and self reinforcement in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109, 959-964.  
  • *Feature Highlight: Whalley K (2012) Social neuroscience: Oxytocin boosts social awareness. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 13, 72. 
Chang SWC, Winecoff AA, and Platt ML (2011)
Vicarious Reinforcement In Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 5, 27.  

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Chang SWCand Snyder LH (2010)
Idiosyncratic and systematic aspects of spatial representations in the macaque parietal cortex
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 107, 7951-7956.  
Churchland MM, Yu BM, Cunningham JP, Sugrue LP, Cohen MR, Corrado GS, Newsome WT, Clark AM, Hosseini P, Scott BB, Bradley DC, Smith MA, Kohn A, Movshon JA, Armstrong KM, Moore T, Chang SWC, Snyder LH, Lisberger SG, Priebe NJ, Finn IM, Ferster D, Ryu, SI, Santhanam G, Sahani M, and Shenoy K (2010)
Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon
Nature Neuroscience, 13, 369-378.  

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Chang SWC, Papadimitriou C, and Snyder LH (2009)
Using a compound gain field to compute a reach plan
Neuron, 64, 744-755.  
  • *Preview: Blohm & Crawford (2009) Fields of gain in the brain. Neuron, 64, 598-600.   

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Chang SWC, Dickinson AR and Snyder LH (2008)
Limb-specific representations of reaching in the posterior parietal cortex
Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 6128-6140.  

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Chang SWand Abrams R (2004)
Hand movements deviate toward distracters in the absence of response competition
Journal of General Psychology (Special Issue: Movement, Attention, and Perception), 131(4), 328-344.  


Lin A, Akafia C, Dal Monte O, Fan S, Fagan N, Putnam P, Tye KM, Chang SWC, Ba D, Allsop AS
An unbiased method to partition diverse neuronal responses into functional ensembles reveals interpretable population dynamics during innate social behavior

Chawla M*, Piva M*, Ahmed S, Jia R, Levy I, Chang SWC (2022)
Individual decision-making underlying the tragedy of the commons
bioRxiv, (*, co-first authors) 

Joiner JA, Nair AR, Fagan NA, Chang SWC (2022)
Social curiosity in monkeys

Graves KN*, Rubien-Thomas E*, Streete DA, Chang SWC (2021)
Knowledge is em(power)ing: Historically underrepresented groups benefit from exposure to information about advanced degrees in psychology.
PsyArXiv, (*, co-first authors)